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Identified crawling objects

You're looking at the back of a hedgehog. Evidently, when temperatures were so pleasant we stayed in the back of the garden a lot, he thought we were a nuisance. He just crawled around the house, crossed the street without looking (must have played truant during safetely lessons at the hedgehog-school) so I stayed with him for protection until he had disappeared into the orchard.

Fruit lover

Basically there are two possibilities for hedgehog hotels in our garden. Whether this hedgehog is the same one as decribed above, I have no idea. But he loves the pears that have come down from the pear tree in September being too high for us to pick.

--- 21 Sep 2016, Est (NL) ---

Hedegehog in autumn

King Frog

I'd been inching my way towards him on my belly with a 100 mm macro mounted. Then I was in a position to evade the plants and see this monarch from a lower standpoint. Flat on my belly. I took a shot and kept moving towards him clicking every 20 seconds or so, anticipating he might jump into the pond any moment. He didn't. This is a very vain frog. And absolutely fearless.

--- 23 Jan 2009, Est (NL) ---

King Frog near the pond

Remember 'Jaws'?

Every time I see this picture back, I can't help but hearing this captivating theme 'doo-do-doo-do-doo-do' in the back of my head that became as famous as Spielberg's blockbuster itself. This frog slowly swam around in a pond right next to a holiday home we'd rented in La Palma, and never revealed himself. I think he didn't trust me. Or he was supervisor that day. Don't know.

--- 23 Dec 2010, Los Llanos (E) ---

Frog in pond just revealing the eyes

Do chickens crawl?

Well, these do. I don't have enough examples to create an 'identified snoozing objects' special, but this couple would be the stars of the show. Just sat there doing nothing, seeking each other's warmth. Perhaps they're OAPs. When at last they left the bench I noticed their flying abilities had left them long ago. Sorry girls, you qualify as ico in my view.

--- 12 Nov 2020, Neerijnen (NL) ---

Two Red chickens on a bench

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